Trailer Park Revamped as Tiny Homes
From: Sharon Villines (
Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2018 14:32:58 -0700 (PDT)
An informative 20 minute video on an aging trailer park of 100 homes that 
revamped itself into 100 tiny homes — 650 sf, $115,000, plus a $650 rental fee 
for the site.

Why, instead of a tiny home builder, they use a mobile home manufacturer — so 
they could work with all their prefabricated parts and arrange them at will. 
Consistent design but not identical. How and why they included certain features 
— clerestory windows to avoid one living room from looking out on the deck of 
the next house. Discussion of housing regulations, utility costs, etc.— not a 
snow piece for a TV show.

Great example of working with what you have to create something exceptional. 
$115,000 in Palm Springs would get you a small locker at a mid-level golf club 

There are many other videos on the Fair Companies website because that’s what 
they do — make videos to help human progress:

We talk about simple living, technology, reason, enlightenment, markets, 
philosophy, fairness, well being. We invite you to participate and share 
formulas to improve the world right now, beyond the noise of demonstrations or 
the imposition of ideologies.

Sharon Villines
Takoma Village Cohousing, Washington DC

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