Sustainability in Cohousing
From: Kim Peterson (
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2020 10:20:21 -0800 (PST)
Living a "greener" life and living in cohousing often go hand in hand. Most
cohousers are already passionate about reducing their ecological
footprints, and living with like-minded neighbours means that you can
multiply your impact by implementing convenient sustainability systems for
all community members to use.

In May, I will be co-hosting a sustainability session at the 2020 Canadian
Cohousing Conference in Vancouver, BC. To inspire our participants, we
would love to share sustainability systems from other cohousing

>Do you have a gold star recycling program?
>How do you and your neighbours reduce plastic waste/upcycle/participate in
the circular economy?
>What sustainability systems have been the most successful for you and your

If you would be interested in sharing, please email me directly:
peterson.ks at

I'll only need the basic details, and a photo or two, if possible. Looking
forward to hearing some inspirational success stories!

Many thanks,
Kim Peterson
Little Mountain Cohousing (construction underway!)
Vancouver, BC

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