Common House Kitchen policies & procedures
From: Neena Jud (
Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2020 09:24:39 -0700 (PDT)
As states begin to lift the stay at home orders imposed during this
pandemic, I would like to know what your policies & procedures have been
regarding the use of your Common House kitchen and preparation of shared
meals, and how have they worked for you.

I do not live in co-housing, but am on the Management Committee of a nature
preserve that has a campground and a common kitchen for use by members of
four supporting groups. Suffice it to say that we are all volunteers and
501(c)(3) organizations are involved. I can give more background
information, but I don't think it is pertinent to my question/situation
other than to say that this location is in southern rural Kentucky and the
governor has directed the residents to stay at home except for essential
trips. Therefore the Management Committee has closed the preserve.
Eventually we will re-open to our members and I think we should develop and
publish guidelines for all who use the campground and any of its facilities.

You all are my "go to" experts on common use facilities by people who have
voluntarily gathered together to support each other and maintain a communal
property. I will appreciate any experiences and wisdom you can share with

Thank you so much!

Neena Jud (Architect)

Cincinnati, Ohio

harmony [at]


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