Words to the Cohousing song!
From: Marty Maskall (mmaskallgmail.com)
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 2021 19:11:54 -0700 (PDT)
Hi everyone,


Mark Tavianini of Southside Park Cohousing in Sacramento sent me the words
to the Cohousing song.  These are the words I vaguely remembered.  He said
the song was his idea and his wife wrote the words.  Thanks, Mark, and to
your wife too!! 

Enjoy, and feel free to modify it if you wish:


There's no housing like Cohousing, 

Like no housing we know ---

Everything about it is appealing.

Common House and all the units too.

We designed it all from floor to ceiling, 

And now we're seeing our dream come true!


There's no people like Co-people;

They strive for community ---

Anonymous suburbia this sure WON'T be.

We're neighborhood, and we're family.

Young and old together here in harmony --

Let's get on with this show!


Marty Maskall

Fair Oaks EcoHousing (near Sacramento)

Where we will be having our Grand Opening on November 7th!

mmaskall [at] gmail.com <mailto:mmaskall [at] gmail.com>   916-425-5137

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