Sociocracy class (= Dynamic Governance)
From: Ted J Rau (
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2021 13:42:07 -0700 (PDT)
Hey there fellow co-housers,I hope you took note when my colleague Jerry
posted about the Sociocracy and communities conference
on Nov 20.

Those of you who want to dip their toes in before the conference, there's a
class coming up next week during US timezone daytime, on Oct 28+29 11-2
Eastern each day, 6h total. In my experience, first-hand experience makes
all the difference!

We'll talk about:

   - teams/circles and how to set them up so information can flow well in
   the whole community
   - how to create proposals together as a group
   - and how to make decisions together in an effective and efficient way

A lot of what we'll discuss has to do with how to balance individual-group
and effectiveness and enough time for listening.
The class is designed to leave time. It's ca. 1/3 explanation, 1/3
practice, 1/3 reflection.
And all fun!

All of my co-trainers and I have a cohousing background so chances are,
examples will come from cohousing, even though the class is open to anyone.

See the class

Op leader of Sociocracy For All <>
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Book a call with me <>

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