Coho life stories
From: Unnat (
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 20:52:40 -0600
I was reflecting on Marty's (and my) request for coho life stories and
my enjoyment of Patty's 'Through the looking glass' series.

 The nuts and bolts stuff is essential, however it's the stories ( even
the yucky ones) that offer, me anyway, perspective and inspiration.

I encourage everyone to send such anecdotes and experiences to the list.

Pinakarri Community update:

Well, the houses are almost finished and the colours are bold and
luscious.  Although a bit of a shock at first sight we continue to have
general support from the neighbours.  The lady across the road, who has
a white house, was resistant but I listened with good cheer to her
gripes.  I told her that my purpley-blue colour was inspired by her
jacaranda tree.  She sulkily quipped that she wished her climbing white
rose had been in blossom at the time.  I projected a picture of our
landscaping plans and begged her patience for the next 2 years while the
gardens were established.  I reassured her that her view of our housing
was an important consideration in our landscaping plans.

I can't wait to get our website up so you can see.  I have really
enjoyed Graham Meltzer's pics of many of your homes.

Warmest regards
Robyn Williams
Pinakarri Community
Fremantle, Western Australia

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