The Declaration of Independence had to be a cohousing project!
From: heimann (
Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2021 07:46:58 -0700 (PDT)
Hello Fellow Cohousers,

As I see it, the Declaration of Independence had to be a cohousing
project. After all:

         o  It took a year to decide on it.

         o  The draft was written by a committee.

o It was adopted by consensus after an infinite number of meetings and

o The vote to declare independence took place on July 2, but by the time
they finished going over the document, removing whole sections,
rewording others, and finally voting to adopt the whole thing, it was
July 4.

o It took the rest of the month to get the word out to all the colonies.

         See?  It *had* to be a cohousing project!

David Heimann
Jamaica Plain Cohousing

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