For Your Information---Bradley Manning
From: patty (
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2011 18:46:06 -0800 (PST)
SEND LETTERS to Bradley Manning! Here’s how. (As letters cannot be sent directly. If the sender is not on the approved list, they will be returned unopened or discarded.) To send letters, postcards and other materials to the Bradley Manning Support Network, send them to the address below. Each week letters will be put together into a mailing and sent to Quantico from someone on the approved list.

Bradley Manning
c/o Courage to Resist
484 Lake Park Ave #41
Oakland CA 94610

Nearly 50,000 supporters have signed a petition asking for the Marine Brig to stop its inhumane treatment of Manning but the Marines retaliated by not letting Manning even get his one hour of “exercise” and they have stopped his only visitor. Justice forBradley Manning Petition - – (

Rally tomorrow, Monday, Feb. 21 at Senator Klobuchar's office 1200 Washington Ave. Mpls. 4pm

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