Re: [C-L]_ Games & Resource List [was: Kid play in small spaces
From: Andrew Netherton (
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2007 06:17:52 -0700 (PDT)
On 3/21/07, Fred H Olson <fholson [at]> wrote:
> --- Fred H Olson <fholson [at]> wrote:
Go to the Cohousing wiki at and
search for games.  (The direct url is on the long side).

If it's on the long side, I'd say the page needs to be retitled to something easier to find/remember. Reverse the redirect such that the long name redirects to Games or Kid's Games.

Is there any way to configure Metawiki such that the pages have a more
human-parsable URL?  For example, the cohousing page at Wikipedia is

I didn't cut and paste that, it was from memory.  And I can easily
look something up by changing "Cohousing" to whatever topic it is I'm
looking for.  Right now the cohowiki's URLs are less user-friendly...
if we could configure them in the same manner as Wikipedia's, I think
that would add significant usability.

  • (no other messages in thread)

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