Re: Heating systems
From: Jeffrey O. Hobson (
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 94 20:46 CDT
Roger - you're right to point out the environmental issues of refrigerants
such as HCFC-22.  The current CFC phase-out is, I believe, intended to be
followed by an HCFC phase-out, for the same reason - the ozone.  

(Note to Roger - I would be interested in learning more about desuperheaters
- please send me the info you mentioned in your message..)

Nancy, I came into this discussion somewhat late, so I'm not sure exactly
what the climate's like in Acton.  Are you guys near the coast or inland,
and how humid does it get in the summertime?  No one in this discussion, so
far as I have seen, has been clear as to whether you were assuming you would
have air conditioning or not.  Also, how much insulation will be in your
walls and ceilings, what kind of orientation will the houses have, etc?  

David is definitely right that "coolth" is very socially-defined - David,
perhaps you could recount your finding about the real estate market in
Walnut Creek - old houses are not expected to have AC, but new houses
*must*.  David is also right that envelope improvements and ventilation are
often better long-term measures than efficient equipment.  

Nancy, if you are interested in being innovative in this realm (and I
haven't yet heard whether you do, or whether it would be too much effort),
the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has a contract out to try to
develop a solar-powered heat pump, and you might be able to be a test-site.
If you are seriously interested in this possibility, I could dig up info on
who to contact.

Also, the National Geothermal Association (don't be thrown off by their
name - they're really talking about ground-source heat pumps) should be
interested in helping you.  Their address is P.O. Box 1350, Davis CA
95617-1350, phone 916-758-2360, fax 916-758-2839.  There is also a
Geothermal Heat Pump Association, in Oklahoma, but I can't locate a contact

That's enough from me.  I'm delighted this discussion is happening.  Nancy,
I'd be curious to know whether the info on the list so far has been
practically useful or not.


Jeffrey Hobson
johobson [at]  
(Note the new email - I used to be "dcn00109@wheel...")
N Street Cohousing, Davis Energy Group

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