RE: Accounting
From: Rob Sandelin (
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 94 15:28 CDT
Sharingwood accounting is very simple. We currently have 17  units. 
Assessment costs are divided exactly equally into 17 shares.  We create 
an annual budget at our annual meeting and assess ourselves a monthly 
rate (budget / 17units/12 months) Our current monthly assessments are 
$32 per month and cover property taxes on the commons, capital 
improvements, various other maintenance sort of things, budgets for committees.

Many members make  financial or other gifts to the community and we 
acknowledge them and thank them. For example our commonhouse will be 
built with pledged money, backed by future creation and sales of phase 
II homesites.  Someday these people will get their money back. They 
trust us to do the right thing. There is an separate accounting of who 
gives what. Part of our playground ( about 1/2 actually) was donated money.

Many times the cost of something is spread out among those who want to 
pay for it voluntarily rather than a general assessment. For example we 
buy tools and people chip in, several people use my lawn mower and chip 
in for repairs, the basketball hoop was purchased and several people 
chip in.  Our general philosophy is to create opportunities for giving, 
see what people can and will do, and only if we can't get it 
voluntarily do we create an assessment. Works for us, might not for 
other places and of course some stuff like insurance, etc. would have 
to go in the structured assessments set up.

Because our regular assessment is pretty low compared to other places, 
people seem to be more inclined to be generous with donations.  This 
way those that can't afford it right now are not obligated, and those 
that can, do and feel good about it.  I also would point out that often 
people in our group who are cash poor, offer equal or greater value by 
being active in the design and implementation.  I was not able to give 
money to the playground effort (except for the small amount which came 
from general assessment) but I spent 2 full days working on it and my 
wife painted the whole thing.  I felt good that I contributed, and the 
folks who gave money but no labor felt good. Everyone came out a winner 
(especially the kids of course).

Rob Sandelin
(The long answer guy)

  • Accounting Deborah Behrens, October 19 1994
    • Re: Accounting David Hungerford, October 20 1994
    • RE: Accounting Rob Sandelin, October 21 1994

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