Cohousing-L archives access
From: Fred H Olson WB0YQM (
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 94 11:07 CDT
On Fri, 21 Oct 94 11:46 CDT, 
Cherie_De_Souza_at_NAVSUP4 [at] MCHFMCCM.NAVY.MIL  <Cherie_De_Souza_at_NAVSUP4 
[at] MCHFMCCM.NAVY.MIL> wrote:

>>As you know there are now two electronic resources on the net. 
>>One is the archives of the cohousing-L,
>How does one obtain this?

The archives are accessible 
1) in one month chunks via email command to the listserv 
2) via gopher 
3) via the WWW.  


Quoting from the welcome message that new subscribers receive 

Please try to avoid sending commands to the wrong address.
Successful commands are acknowledged with a return message.  Lack of an
acknowledgement may mean you sent the command to the wrong address.

Send list commands as first line of body of message to listserv [at]
Commonly used commands for Cohousing-L are (some details below):

INDEX COHOUSING-L       Gets list of archive files available.

GET COHOUSING-L   <filename>  Returns file as one or more long email messages.

SEARCH COHOUSING-L <some_string_or_expression>  Get file references to a string.

HELP      get information about list server commands
INFO COHOUSING-L    Gets welcome message


An alternate way to read or browse the COHOUSING-L messages -- current
and archived -- is via Gopher.  All messages are stored chronologically,
one message per menu item by subject. If you have a gopher client try
Gopher  Alternatively from the widely accessible
University of Minnesota "Other Gophers" menu here are 
the links to get to the Cohousing-L Archives Gopher:

Other Gophers and Information Servers (U of Minn)
 International Organizations
  Institute for Global Communications
   Progressive Gophers
    Economic Democracy Information Network
     Housing, Hunger & Welfare
      Cohousing Archives

   If you want to access the Cohousing-L Archives Gopher regularly,
you will want to set a "Gopher Bookmark" in your Gopher client which
greatly facilitates later access.  Check your Gopher client's help
for details.

The archives are available via WWW thru its link to the gopher.
The WWW is at:


Fred H. Olson   fholson [at]   (612)588-9532  Amateur radio: WB0YQM
1221 Russell Av N, Minneapolis, MN  55411    |  Twin Cities Freenet  | 
Sysop of COHOUSING-L listserv & gopherspace: |  (under development)  |  or via EDIN gopher in Calif  |   info on request     |47L

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