kitchen/Viking stoves
From: Deborah Behrens (debbehAuto-trol.COM)
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 94 11:16 CST
> Date: Sun, 18 Dec 94 10:26 CST
> From: Joaniblank [at]
> Subject: Re:kitchen inspection
> ... BUT we have had many problems with our stove, made by Viking. 
> ... Get a different brand!


We have just put a Viking on order for our common house.  
Too late probably to change brands. 
We will just have to keep our eyes out for the problems you mentioned,
and make sure that they are dealt with.  It's good to know in advance
what we may have problems with, tho.

Does anyone have any suggestions for better brands???

--- debbie behrens

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           |        Happy Holidays from        |
           |         Highline Crossing         |

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