Re: Project Management [FWD]
From: Fred H Olson WB0YQM (
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 94 01:42 CST
Dan Ardoin from Grell CoHousing, Oceano 71045.2023 [at] COMPUSERVE.COM 
is the author of this message but due to a listserv problem it was 
posted by the COHOUSING-L sysop.  

*** Extended aside from Fred about these "listserv problems ***
Despite Dan's having just posted ok a moment ago this was rejected -- 
dumb machines...  BTW the requirement that posters be subscribers which
causes these "rejection" problems does keep some inappropriate stuff from 
going out over the list. Such as the recent widespread "surplus 
spam" that hit many lists so I think it's worth it.  Fred
***** end of Fred's note *********

Dan's message follows: ------------------------------------------------

Grell is at the point of submitting plans to the County and upon legal 
advice weare considering hiring a Project Manager (Construction 
Superintendant) at thispoint.  So I'm gathering information in this area so 
that we may write a jobdescription/contract for this person and begin 
choosing someone.  If you haveinfo that will help PLEASE let me know right 
away.  We are looking for samplecontracts, job descriptions or anything you 
think may help.  We have to geteducated fast!
Thanks for being there!!

Grell Cohousing, Oceano, CA

  • (no other messages in thread)

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