Re: Charlottesville ? {FWD)
From: Cindy J. Westley (
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 95 16:54 CST
Just to set the record straight, CoHousing is alive and well in
Charlottesville, VA.  There are about 20 folks actively meeting every
other Sunday (business meeting alternating with a social), planning a
cohousing neighborhood within 15 minutes of Charlottesville.  Right
now we are stuggling with legal issues specific to Virginia and
looking for a site and possible funding.  There are a few of us who
monitor this service and appreciate what we have gleaned.  For more
information call (804) 961-9402 - voice mail for meeting dates, or
(804) 293-4014 in the evenings for a real person or e-mail me at
cjw2s [at]  Thanks

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