So long, its been most informative; from Jim Slotta
From: Fred H Olson WB0YQM (
Date: Sun, 6 Aug 95 12:09:00 CST
is the author of the message below but due
to a listserv problem it was posted by the COHOUSING-L sysop.

Jim has indeed been a long time subscriber - from the early days when 
I recognised most of the names (even tho those who rarely posted.)
Congratulations on moving on and hurry back. 
You know there may be a sense in which we've developed a bit of
an "electronic community" tho I still tend to be skeptical of the
more extensive claims for that term.  Fred
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Hi all.  
Jim Slotta here.  I've been watching this group for a few years now - I 
guess almost from the start (it used to be so small and thin!!).  I've 
really enjoyed and learned from all of the discussion.  Mostly I learned 
about the realities of process, and have been extremely impressed with some 
of the actualized response you all are taking to those challenges.  

Whether or not cohousing is a viable, replicable vision for all of America 
is still an open question.  Clearly, an essential ingredient is some level 
of profound human awareness and awakenment to the idea of community.  

In any case, the electronic discussion on this list is clearly an enabling 
force in all of your personal visions, and must surely be a refreshing part 
of everyone's experience.  Has been in mine.

Thank you for all of the insight and information.  Its great to know that 
such a dedicated and aware group exists, and I'm comforted by the idea that 
they are networked in this way (Hey - can you believe that I'm actually 
talking to every one of you?? What a powerful forum).  

I'm Phinishing, Phinally, and will be headed out to Berkeley, where I'll be  
working in the school of Education, developing learning tools that allow 
kids to make effective use of existing internet (Web) resources as they try 
to research/understand science concepts collaboratively.  Talk about a cool 
job - lucky me!

Good luck in all of your dimensions of all of your phases, etc.   And 
(repeating whats been said several times by Sandelin) - don't let the 
process and workload of community-building overshadow or take away from the 
actual experience of community.  If the community is there, the cohousing 
will happen; if it ain't - it won't. 

I'll be checking in. 

Jim Slotta

  • (no other messages in thread)

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