Dishwasher and scullery specs?
From: Rob Sandelin (
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 95 09:03:29 PDT
Sharingwoods commonhouse is framed and the roof will done in a couple 
of weeks and so our attention turns to ...Dishwashing!  So I am hoping 
some of you who have already invested in a commercial dishwasher set up 
could tell me:

1.  Under or over the counter?  Which do you have and how do you like it?
2. If under the counter model, what kind and how deep is it in inches? 
18?, 24? 30?
3. If you have the perfect scullery set up what makes it work well?  If 
yours is less than perfect, how could it be improved?
4. If you could design your scullery over again, what would you change?

We are reexamining our scullery design and so any comments about dish 
washing setups would be useful


Rob Sandelin

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