RE: National Publicity Now?
From: Fred H Olson WB0YQM (
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 1995 10:55:35 -0500
LF [at] ISR.HARVARD.EDU Lynne Farnum
is the author of the message below but due
to a listserv problem it was posted by the COHOUSING-L sysop (Fred).
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On Fri, 4 Aug 1995, Rob Sandelin wrote:

> When 100 cohousing developments have people living in 
> them (1998?) then we will have a large enough accomplishment to be able 
> to trumpet from the rooftops.
> (snip)
> I think major national publicity at this time, would focus too much on 
> what is now, and this would define cohousing by what exists now, which 
> is only a small fraction of what cohousing really will and can be.  
> Rob Sandelin

It had never occurred to me that heavy publicity now could be 
detrimental, but I think Rob is right.  Consider the usual trajectory of
a new concept in the popular media:  
(1)  Puff piece trumpets new idea, a panacea for all our problems,
        sweeping the nation, etc.,etc.
(2)  Investigative reporter exposes the shocking scandal behind the
        facade, trouble in paradise, cohousers move out, etc.,etc.
(3)  New idea is now old idea, disenchantment has set in, movement is
         fading, etc.,etc.

Communities which are brand new and still finding their way should
not have the fate of the entire cohousing movement on their shoulders.

Lynne Farnum

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