Neighboring property value info needed ASAP
From: MartyR707 (
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 1996 22:23:21 -0500
We're going to the city planning commission tomorrow night to have our
proerty rezoned and get a use permit - yikes!!

The neighbors have 52 names on a petition opposing us.  One of their
complaints is that we will lower their property values.  Does anyone have
data on what has happened to property values of neighboring property once
coho goes in?  If so, it would be appreciated if you could email it to me
directly before Tuesday night.  (after Tuesday will still be helpful however,
cuz we're going to the city council next.)

If you have any info that might help in this area please email directly to me
at martyr707 [at] - and wish us luck!!

Marty Roberts
Jewell Hill Cohousing, Sebastopol, CA
(We visited Valley Oaks Village in Chico on Sat. - designed by our architect
and some families are moved in!!  Pretty exciting.  We travelled together in
a big van - pretty fun outing.  We decide to do more field trips in the

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