My Buzz Flame
From: Michael Omogrosso (
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 08:44:06 -0500
Below is Christina's request for an addittional apology to Buzz and the 
list.  I do feel that Christina and John Major perhaps missed a major 
coloration of the searing response to Buzz's tounge-in-cheek aludement 
that we should live with our own "kind."  It is nice to know there are so 
many defenders on this list.  But, really now, just what is it you are 
defending which allows you to get so fired up about an equally obvious 
TIC as "Tie-die your white sheet and join us."  What are we here, a bunch 
of liberal Democrat censors?

Michael Omogrosso
East Blair Housing Cooperative
864 W. 4th Ave. #3, Eugene, Oregon 97402, USA
omo [at]    541-344-8444
photographer, community land trust advocate

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 18 Jun 96 07:49:00 -0500
From: Christina_Hilliard-LCH005 [at]
To: Receipt Notification Requested <omo [at]>
Subject: Your flame

To: omo [at]
From: Hilliard_C on Tue, Jun 18, 1996 8:52 AM
Subject: Your flame


I saw your apology(?) to Buzz in the cohousing list.

I was deeply offended by your use of the white-sheet reference.  That, to me,
 was wildly inappropriate, offensive, irrational, mis-applied, and extreme; 
way beyond his rational, thoughtful posting.  I think you owe a stronger 
apology (i.e. a real apology) to the list and to Buzz for using the term and 
for the personal attack.

Christina Hilliard

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