Variety the spice of life
From: Tom Nelson Scott (
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 09:54:46 -0500
On Wed, 19 Jun 1996, Tony G. Rocco wrote:

> Don't let anyone fool you. There is a strong ideological taint to most 
> cohousing communities, which may or may not be to your liking. They 
> aren't comprised of just people who want to get together to enjoy a more 
> community-oriented way of life. Apparantly, as my little experiment 
> showed, if you work hard and reap the fruits of your labors, you might 
> well be persona non grata in some cohousing communities.

Amen. No group can claim exclusive rights to the one true
coho/ecovillage model. Cohousing developments often are based on
common elements and some form of condominium ownership; ecovillages
tend toward renewable energy, on-site community wastewater systems,
and in some cases CSA organic farms and telecenters (e.g.,
"SpringLedge at Plymouth Institute" -- put that in your search
engine). But no one can insist that all sustainable development worthy
of the name conform to a set of sacrosanct restrictions, or that all
residents in every coho/ecovillage anywhere on the face of the earth
subscribe to God's chosen political persuasion.

On the other hand, if an exclusionist group of neo-marxists,
neo-nazis, neo-luddites, or hippie or yuppie lovers want to live in
community, more power to them. I may or may not choose to live there,
but I know many who will and I defend their right to do so as long as
they don't force their model on the rest of us.

I'm refining my idea of farm-centered, sustainable rural development
at "";, and I solicit everyone's knee-jerk
flames -- a thought-out reply or two would also be welcome. While
you're at it, take a few moments to write down your model of a
coho/ecovillage and share it with the world.

> Sorry if my little hoax offends anyone. I admit it wasn't the most honest 
> thing I have ever done. But it was interesting and informative 
> nonetheless.

No apology necessary. You were just "shopping" them; it happens all
the time and is becoming even more prevalent on the
'net/web. Forewarned is forearmed.

--Welcome to the real world, T.

Tom Nelson Scott                  Phone/Fax: 1-414-966-2902
[company name]                    Business email: tom.scott [at]
W330 N8357 West Shore Drive       Academic email: veda [at]
Hartland WI 53029-9732            Academic web:
                     "Do less, accomplish more."                       

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