RE: Cohousing / Homeschooling
From: Ann Barbarow (
Date: Mon, 7 Apr 1997 10:37:25 -0500
At 09:36 AM 4/5/97 -0600, Rob Sandelin wrote:
>What is very different I notice is values. Since my kids are home, they get 
>much less exposure to "TV values", and thus don't seem to be influenced by 
>them. There is a consumerist competitive culture that permeates the state 
>sponsered schools. It's not delibrate, its not a plot, it just happens, 
>because that is the dominate value set of the rest of the kids, who are raised 
>on TV without questioning.  
>Its hard for me to explain this clearly so I'll leave it for another day. 
>Rob Sandelin
This is all very warm and fuzzy, but doesn't bear up under much scrutiny. At
Muir Commons, the one family that homeschools also has the TV on a lot. In
fact, the parents of at least one child who goes to the "state school" (that
term sounds much more sinister that the correct term of "city school")
discourage him from going to the homeschooler's house because the TV is on
so much. When the homeschooled family daughter was 3-1/2 she was in a snotty
mood and when I asked her where she got her crabby mood she piped up with
"Toys-R-Us". Sounds pretty consumeristic to me.

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