Re: COHOUSING-L digest 219
From: UStelson (
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 09:45:39 -0500
In a message dated 97-07-21 12:57:15 EDT, you write:

<<   Also, we just got a 45K offer from the state to help cover the common
house costs of our 
 affordable units (5 on a tax credit program for 50% of area median income).
 The city chipped in
 another 40K on site costs.
   Let's share info with each other.  I like this thread!  Who else is
talking about mixed income 
 housing in such an effective way ?  Most gvt. agencies are reduced to
begging capitalist developers
 for some bones.  Us affordability people gotta keep up the cohousing tenet
of inclusion.
 - scott cowley, wasatch cohousing, slc, ut

Scott and anyone else, I'd like to find out more about getting government
support to finance the common house. Are thre any leads we could start
pursuing? Any books, lists, etc. on what grants can be applied for? Energy
efficiency comes to mind, as does innovative design, alternative energy uses?
Any help would be appreciated.

Uta Stelson of Sunward Cohousing of Ann Arbor

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