Re: cohousing and disabilities
From: Jan Gordon (
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 1998 09:02:12 -0600
At 1:28 PM -0600 12/30/97, robin waller wrote:
>When I was at the cohousing conference in Sept. I was scared to talk
>about my MS. I'm very interested in cohousing, but I'm not sure if I
>could put in the amount of work it takes to start one.  It seems very
>tiring, and I'd be afraid the other people would think that I was not
>fulfilling my obligation. Do you think I should look for an opening at
>an already existing one? I am mobile and very active, but I know my
>limitations. I would like input on this subject.

I can only speak for the group I am involved in, namely the Second
Neighborhood Group (SoNG) at EcoVillage Ithaca.  We are talking about
disabilities, and about building our homes with the idea in mind of "aging
in place", mind you no design has yet been submitted nor approved, but our
architect is aware of these priorities.  We welcome diversity of all sorts
and shapes, families in all configurations, and the unique talents of each
member.  You would be welcome here!  We hope to move in before 2000.

Regards,   Jan  (jrg14 [at]

EcoVillage Ithaca, looking for people to help plan, and live in,
the second neighborhood group.  Open House Nov 29.
for info: or jrg14 [at]

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