Re: Party Ideas
From: MartyR707 (
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 23:14:36 -0500
In a message dated 4/27/99 7:40:58 AM, Judy Baxter writes:

<<I'm looking for creative, very
easy  party Ideas -  we seem to have a lot of folks like me who like to be
guests but aren't into organizing, so I am looking for easy ideas to 

Here's one that one of our community-mates thought up - we haven't tried it 
yet, but will when we move in I'm sure.  It's kind of a vacation at home.
Wish you could go to Hawaii??  Dress in mumus & grass skirts, make pina 
coladas, play Hawaian music, do the hula, play slide guitar, cook Hawaian 
food, turn on fans with warm breezes, hang pictures of palm trees on the 
walls, pile some sand around the patio.
Prefer Mexico?  easy:  Mexican food, costumes, Mariachis, margaritas and 
Paris?  posters of the Eiffel tower on the wall, crepes, escargo (sp?), 
French wine, French music, can-can dancers, artists with their canvas.....

Each month, a different subgroup could dream one up and cook and all.....
sounds fun, eh?

I can't wait til we can do stuff like that in our common house - it's getting 

Marty Roberts
Two Acre Wood, Sebastopol

  • party ideas Judy Baxter, April 26 1999
    • Re: Party Ideas MartyR707, April 27 1999

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