Re: Security
From: Bitner/Stevenson (
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 1999 08:38:12 -0600 (MDT)
> Over the past 6 weeks our houses have been regularly broken into (smash
> and grab), graffiti-ied, cars are targeted for cash, bikes stolen.  The
> neighbourhood in general seems to be the target of relentless attention
> by petty thieves; they seem to be quite young.  My daughter is
> distressed and won't even sleep alone any more.  Police seem helpless;
> they take a few details and go away again.
> We've put up some security lighting - it may not scare off the burglars
> but it helps us to know they're there.  Friday and Saturday nights are
> stressful and sleepless.  We're holding an Open day in 2 weeks to get to
> know the neighbours and build some community awareness.  I'm
> facilitating a forum to discuss creative approaches and will invite
> neighbours, Neighbourhood watch reps, Council, Community Police, Govt
> reps, youth reps and any other stakeholders that I can.  There is
> funding available for community initiatives.
> I don't want to reinvent that poor old wheel so any experiences,
> suggestions, comments and links are welcome (via the list if relevant or
> direct to me).  Pinakarri's cohousing is part of a suburban
> redevelopment in an area already notorious for its petty crime rate.  We
> want to be pro-active, creative and send clear but positive messages.
> Many thanks and warmest regards
> Robyn Williams
Holy cow! Robyn, my heart goes out to you. Neighborhood watch is all fine
and dandy, but I think you people need to organize something more loud and
dramatic. Have everyone in the community go to the city council meeting en
masse and protest the lack of interest by the police. They are ignoring you
and your plight, and you have every right to be furious. Make sure they know
you are watching them and what they do about your problem, and keep
reporting EVERY incident, no matter how small. In our city, the crime rate
in every neighborhood is used to determine how many patrols there are.

Our local neighborhood association has recently made some loud protests and
organized to stop a facility being put in our neighborhood that was a fait
accomplis. It looks like they may be successful, but the real victory is
that we are no longer being ignored by the city, and they will consult us
before trying to do anything like that again.

The other thing I think you should consider is a security guard on Friday
and Saturday nights. Definitely a last resort, but if your children are
scared, they aren't getting the benefit of living in community. I think you
should also consider restricting access to the community. I know nobody
wants a gated community, but you have to protect yourselves.

As for positive messages, how about,"I will protect my property and
prosecute anybody who trespasses here". You deserve to live on your own land
unmolested. It's okay to be angry and negative about your experiences, as
long as you get the results you want. Elected officials don't listen to
people who are calm and reasonable. Sad but true. Be loud and persistent.

Please keep us posted. I am very disturbed by this.

Liz Stevenson
Southside Park Cohousing
Sacramento, California
  • Security Unnat, September 26 1999
    • Re: Security Bitner/Stevenson, September 26 1999
    • Re: Security Fred H. Olson, September 26 1999
    • Re: Security Unnat, September 30 1999

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