From: Bitner/Stevenson (
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 14:31:13 -0600 (MDT)
> I am curious that most communities in the US only have group meals twice a
> week.  To me, the group meals are perhaps the main attraction of cohousing
> (cooking for one is a waste of time).  Certainly in Denmark group meals are
> the standard.  What is different or wrong here?  Can Americans just not get
> into group cooperation?
>  Tom Pendleton, Takoma Village Cohousing
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I'd be careful about saying there's something "wrong" with two meals a
week-some people on this list are SO touchy!;)

I do think there are some groups that don't cook as often as they probably
should, in terms of community builing. My theory is that groups that build
their commonhouses afterr move in never really get up to speed in using
them, because they have already developed other rituals.

My other theory about why some groups don't cook very often is that they
make it voluntary. I think that's a bad idea.

I have no idea what the percentages are re # of meals per week, but we cook
3 or 4 times a week.

Liz Stevenson
Southside Park Cohousing
Sacramento, California
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