Re: Common Meals
From: Unnat (
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 18:15:02 -0600 (MDT)
Thanks for all the information - we're slowly but surely building up to
frequent common meals.
Our commonhouse was built to lock-up; we have to fit it out with
kitchen, bathroom etc.  So we've thrown a piece of second hand carpet on
the floor and we have a variety of lounge chairs in the dining room -
it's like a cubby house for adults and we're very fond of it.  At least
once a week everyone brings a plate to share and we gather at the
fire-pit on the adjoining building site (where 4 more co-houses are near

The fire is lit several times a week, motivated by the security problems
we've been having, to create a visible evening presence outside our
homes.  We always intended to establish an outdoor hearth and its social
effect is magic.  Unnat, my partner, often initiates the fire.  We
sometimes take our family meal or go after dinner.  Usually people come
out and join us.  It's a perfect pre-bedtime wind-down for my daughter
who snuggles up to me to watch the flames and listen to the grown-ups'
chat.  Unless someone brings some marshmallows!

We had one meal that two of us cooked then took the food to the
commonhouse.  Everyone agreed that we will continue this.  Last week
during a particularly wild Spring storm I decided to make a big pot of
substantial soup and left notes for everyone, 'soup at six'.  Simple and
nourishing, especially for one friend who had just arrived home after a
stormy 4 hour drive, relieved that she didn't have to cook.

Warmest regards
Robyn Williams
Pinakarri Community Inc
Fremantle, Western Australia

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