RE: Consensus Decision Making
From: Rob Sandelin (
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 07:27:08 -0700 (MST)
In addition to Stuart's right on target comments as usual I can only add one
thought. This point is a great learning place. Pay attention to what happens
and evaluate it later, say in a months time. Maybe you can clarify your
process for blocking decisions? Maybe you will find out something about what
conditions make a reasonable block. What questions were worth asking? What
questions would have been helpful? Who was facilitating the meeting, how did
they handle it? What could be done differently next time to make it work

The first use of a block is a great time to do a process evaluation. If you
have a perfect process, you don't need to do evaluations. Otherwise, they
are a wise addition, especially with consensus.

Rob Sandelin
Northwest Intentional Communties Association
Process Groupy and consensus teacher

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