Re: Consensus Decision Making
From: Bitner/Stevenson (
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 21:31:02 -0700 (MST)
I had a very well thought out letter that expressed my opinion, then my 
computer froze.

I hate recomposing letters, so I'll try to be succinct:

I hope that nobody on this list feels that because they are not experts,
their opinion is not important. For instance,  Rob and I have many years
between us living in community. We frequently disagree,[once in awhile he
gets it right;)], so experience doesn't make us right. Everyone on this list
has something to contribute.

Liz Stevenson
Southside Park Cohousing
Sacramento, California

>From: Cheryl Charis-Graves <ccharis [at]>

> I think Rob Sandelin is the person on this list most qualified to respond, but
> here's my two cents.

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