RE: Spiritual Cohousing
From: Rob Sandelin (
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 15:16:47 -0700 (MST)
Actually there has been a Seattle mennonite cohousing community in existence
for three years now. They are pretty much off the cohousing grid because
they got kind of a rude, and somewhat intolerant, insistance that they
COULDN'T be a cohousing group, because cohousing is expressly non-spritual.
(Not from me BTW, but from some other folks in the cohousing circles at that
time) I had to negotiate quite a bit just to get an invite. Nice folks,
bought an apartment complex and made it theirs, just down the street from
their church, so they don't do worship services in their commonspace
regularily, although when I was visting they did.  Membership is only
advertised amoung their church, and at my last visit, which was more than a
year ago now, they were organizing another group to buy the apartment across
the alley, and had all sort of exciting and interesting ideas of how to join
the two properties.

Rob Sandelin
Northwest Intentional Communities Association
Building a better society, one neighborhood at a time

  • Spiritual Cohousing allenbutcher, January 27 2000
    • RE: Spiritual Cohousing Rob Sandelin, January 28 2000

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