CoHousing Village Home Owners Associations
From: Leon DeKing (
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 16:40:51 -0700 (MST)
Esteemed Friends:

My compliments to Lynn Nadeau for her RoseWind Cohousing Common House
"Dancing Bear" story.  I made a copy to take with me to tonight's Manzanita
Village of Prescott(MVP) meeting.

1) framing is going up on Phase I - the first fourteen (of 36) units; and

2) our embryonic MVP Homeowners Association is getting ready to assume its
responsibilities - one of which is to maintain and repair the exteriors of
all MVP buildings.

A major HELP in this latter endeavor will be examples of other cohousing
village homeowners association budgets.

Yours Aye,

MVP Member

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