Wedding plans update
From: Sean Clancy (
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 22:47:39 -0600 (MDT)
Dear cohousers,
    Adding the power washing and the painting to our list of things to
do has put me completely over the edge.  My e-mail is not working and I
am feeling very scattered.  Please use Sean's e-mail to communicate or
better yet call us.
     We did not include a sign up for clean up on our list.  So far
Sharon, Grace, and  Jim Barton have agreed to help with break down (
tables) and clean up ( dishes).  Everyone has been so generous in
getting involved I hesitate to ask anyone to do anymore.  But if
everyone pitches in a little with cleanup we should be able to make
quick work of it. Of course we would be delighted to have more people
commit to clean up so we are sure it is covered.
    I am very excited about the wedding but exhaustion is setting in--so
many details.

  • (no other messages in thread)

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