The Right Size
From: Zev Paiss (
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 10:45:46 -0600 (MDT)
Greetings From Nomad Cohousing in Boulder, Co.

In answer to you question regarding the best size for a cohousing
community, I offer the following. 

1.  How many households are in your present community?  How did you
decide upon that number?

We have 11 (eleven) households because the city would not allow any more
and we could not afford any less.

2.  What do you believe would be the optimal number of households for a
cohousing community?

My experience, as you might have seen, in a recent Cohousing Journal
article, includes both the largest (42 homes) and virtually the smallest
(with a common house) communities in the country.  Neither are the
optimal size.

I would feel that in the range of 20-35 households is optimal.  However,
as you will probably discover as you move ahead, the actual number of
homes you end up with will be determined by a slurry of both outside and
inside forces in addition to "what you want to have".

I wish you both much and rapid success.

Zev Paiss

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