Re: Stereotypes
From: Sharon Villines (
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 07:08:01 -0700 (MST)
> Cohousing- where everyone knows your name.  (and who you live with, and what
> you feed your dog, and where you keep your mugs.... :-)

After we  moved in, one of my first feelings of "this feels right" came when
a member wanted to pick up a UPS delivery I had taken for her and I could
say "The doors open its by the bookcase -- you see it." And she returned to
ask what I knew about a certain author. "You have all these books..."

But in the back of my mind I'm planning out the strategy for certain guests
coming and going by a ladder out the back window.

In Washington DC where all roads lead to Casa Blanca

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