House available in sebastopol
From: Fred H Olson (
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 15:55:12 -0600 (MDT)
Marty Roberts <MartyR [at]>
is the author of the message below. 
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-------------------- FORWARDED MESSAGE FOLLOWS --------------------

There is a rental duplex opening up in our neighborhood.  It is not 
actually one of our houses, but is right next door with a (removable) 
fence between us and it.  It practically backs up to our common house 
and its next door neighbor is a family that also belongs to our 
community.  Here is a description from the neighbor family that is part 
of our community:

One of the duplexes is becoming available Oct. 9th. It is the one right 
over the fence between Taw (two acre wood) and Stefenoni ct. It's 
connected to Brandy's (our childcare provider) house. If you know of 
anyone interested in being closer to us, let me know.

            Let's take over the neighborhood,

Here's the ad:
3 Bedroom/ 2 ½ Bath House, Duplex,
available 5 minutes from 2 Walfdorf Schools
7809 Stefenoni Court, Sebastopol, October 9 occupancy, Rent $1400,

In quiet cul-de-sac, with Summerfield Waldorf Special Teacher
and 2 SunRidge Waldorf families living on street,
near Two Acre Wood co-housing, great neighbors

Call Nedra & Jim Berns (Waldorf family) 823-8067

Or you can contact me - Marty
Two Acre Wood, Sebastopol, CA

Marty Roberts Productions
Video and Web Site Production
(707) 829-9191

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