Re: Soundproofing with Tectum
From: Elizabeth Stevenson (
Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 08:57:09 -0700 (PDT)
I think it was maybe 2 years ago. I don't think there are many groups who
will start out with 20K for soundproofing who will end up with that much in
their budget. I do agree that having it built in ahead of time is the best
scenario, but many groups end up cutting it, along with other "luxuries"
when they are trying to get it built. Also, if it's done at the time of
construction, wouldn't that lower the cost significantly?


> On May 12, 2004, at 11:18 AM, Elizabeth Stevenson wrote:
>> That's a lot of money, Sharon. Are you talking about just the dining
>> room,
>> or the whole common house?
>> We did our dining room for around 2500 bucks, and it's fabulous. I'm
>> still
>> trying to track down the name of the stuff.
> In what year?
> We spent $5,000+ for just the commonhouse dining room and may have to
> do a bit more. The prices went up significantly between the time we got
> our bid last year and this year when we installed. That was materials
> and installation. The increase was mostly on shipping.
> But now that we have it, I would like to have it everywhere and that
> would take $5,000 more.
> If you are planning a commonhouse, build in $20,000 and you will have
> enough. Prices do go up and you want as many costs as possible included
> in your mortgage so you can get the work done from the start.
> Sharon
> -----
> Sharon Villines
> Takoma Village Cohousing, Washington DC

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