RE: innovation in linking communities & schools
From: Tilstra (
Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2005 17:54:28 -0700 (PDT)
If you are interested in an innovative approach to connecting a families
& communities more closely with schools, here's an idea from the

The Vensterschool is an increasinly popular initiative in which
organisations and families interested in raising & educating children
collaborate. The school reflects the community in which it resides.
Ideally, the child care centre, after-school care, library, toy shop,
school and local government services (eg. Maternal health centre) are
located under the one roof.

The Vensterschool's seven design principles:
- continuity in child raising and education
- an integrated approach and collaboration between organisations
- activities within and outside school
- parental involvement
- social cohesion and neighbourhood renewal
- optimal & multi-functional use of buildings 


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