Re: Soliciting Professional Services (was: Extrapolation of unit sizes from surveys)
From: Mac Thomson (
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 07:05:24 -0700 (PDT)
I think it's perfectly OK for cohousing professionals to use this list for soliciting. Without exception, all of the cohousing professionals I have met and worked with are in it because they believe in their hearts that it is work that will make the world a better place. None of them are getting rich.

As far as I can remember, pretty much only Chris and Tree even take the time to share any information with this list. If they didn't work as professionals, they wouldn't have the knowledge that they're able to share. And if they didn't sell enough of their services, they wouldn't be able to keep working as cohousing professionals.

IMHO, this list is about matching people looking for information with people that have that information. Whether that match-up involves payment for services or not doesn't matter to me -- the exchange of information is still happening that will help cohousing flourish. The opportunity to take advantage of the professional services is made available and it's up to the cohousing groups to decide whether to buy it or not.

my 2¢ worth,

Mac Thomson

Heartwood Cohousing
Southwest Colorado

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."
     - Bill Cosby

On Oct 24, 2005, at 4:16 AM, cohousing-l-request [at] wrote:

Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2005 22:51:20 EDT
From: Hyghroad [at]
Subject: Re: [C-L]_ Extrapolation of unit sizes from surveys
To: cohousing-l [at]
Message-ID: <1a7.421b9dfe.308da628 [at]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

I was interested to read this response to the post from Carey at Arboretuem Co-Housing. It seemed as if a reply to her question may be being offered for
sale rather than shared freely amongst this listserve community.

So, it is ok to solicit clients through this coho list serve?

Common Pastures
Charlotte, VT

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