Re: cordless phone, answering machine in the common house?
From: Sharon Villines (
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 10:18:20 -0800 (PST)

On Nov 3, 2005, at 4:16 PM, Terry Whatley wrote:

Searching the archives, I see a lot of support for having a phone in the CH.
Do any of you have experience pro or con of having a cordless phone as
the common house phone, and of having it take messages or not?

Definitely you need a phone in an unlocked room in the commonhouse for emergencies.

Cordless I would not advise because we have trouble keeping track of our non-cordless phone. There are jacks all over the commonhouse and people take the phone to all those jacks and forget to return it. But at least we know where to look for it. A cordless could be left anywhere, including taken home or to a car.

Once you are established and people have individual phones (and construction people can contact individuals directly) I don't see any reason for a message service. People will use it.

Sharon Villines
Takoma Village Cohousing, Washington DC

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