Re: Not Enough Privacy in Cohousing?
From: Jeanne Goodman, JP Cohousing (
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 06:54:24 -0800 (PST)
I think the bigger problem is that if I were single and my dear friends didn't ask me about a date, I'd probably be a little hurt. So one person's privacy is another person's isolation.

Jeanne Goodman

----- Original Message ----- From: "ken" <gebser [at]>

"Jeanne Goodman, JP Cohousing" <goodmanj [at]> wrote:
This post will definitely make me think twice before I dare to ask someone
if their guest was a date....

That would be a good policy.  On the other hand, if everyone already
knows that your date last night is all the talk, then it's a little like
ignoring the elephant in the livingroom. ...

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