Re: one year of experience many times over? or many years of experience?
From: Craig Ragland (
Date: Fri, 19 May 2006 19:13:52 -0700 (PDT)
I'm working on a staffing model for and am eager to hear any
opinions on how we best use the limited Coho/US resources. I'll be sharing
this model out through the listserv in coming weeks.

My current thinking is that the type of online resource you are talking
about is best created via some type of collaborative editorial space which
enables end-users, like all of us, to contribute to a common body of
knowledge. Perhaps the best known approach is using a wiki (wikipedia is the
best known and most widely used example). In my imagination, paid Coho/US
staff would help administer, manage, and help maintain such a resource, but
the content would up to all of us volunteers.

It should be noted that the Cohousing-L archive captures ALL content which
goes out on the cohousing listserv, so none of the content which anybody
contributes here is actually lost and it is available to us as an ongoing
resource for a future content.

In the past, some, including Rob Sandelin, have gone to great lengths to
extract topically focused information from the list serv archives...

On 5/19/06, Robert Moskowitz <robertm [at]> wrote:

Why doesn't someone find a way to record all these gems of hard-earned
experience and codify them in some kind of book, database, list, or
whatever so that the next group who decides to go into a cohousing
project doesn't have to make all the same mistakes and rethink all the
same issues and learn from all the same bitter experiences?

Is there staff for this at Do I hear a volunteer?

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