Gas stove emissions
From: Michael Whitman (
Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 12:16:38 -0700 (PDT)
There seems no problem to force-exhaust gas cookstove fumes when it's over 50
degrees outside, but that leaves a good chunk of the year in New England when
we'd be sending house-heat outdoors.

Is there such a thing as a "fumes exchanger," or not-too-hi-tech scrubber? I've
never heard of these, but I'm no gizmophile.

Or could one employ a longer hood-pipe that robs some of the heat inside before
it's exhausted to the outside? I've seen some hellaciously long stovepipes in VT
& NH town halls and churches with woodstove heat-sources, which help keep the
heat indoors.

   michael whitman

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