Trillium Hollow Pet Policy - Thanks For All The Input
From: Charles Maclean (
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2006 10:33:39 -0700 (PDT)
Fellow Cohousers -

After many years of indecision we've adopted a new pet policy.  It appears

Thank you to Gathel Weston and Tom Fielden, Trillium Hollow champions for
getting it through the buy-in process. 

And thank you to all the communities that contributed their perspective to
the national survey of pet policies.

Now we're tackling a new work share policy.

Charles Maclean
Trillium Hollow Cohousing Member
Portland, Oregon

Trillium Hollow Pet Policy, 2/25/06
Overview Statement:
We as individuals have chosen to live in community at Trillium Hollow in
order to emphasize and nurture personal relationships and to live
harmoniously with each other and our environment.  Therefore, when making
decisions we must consider not only our own needs and desires but must also
take into account the needs and desires of each other even when those needs
may be different from or in conflict with our own.  
When making decisions regarding pets, consider the following.  Many of us
take great joy in the companionship offered by animals and this must be
respected.  For some the natural environment is of principal importance,
therefore we prefer that pets do little or no harm to the vegetation and no
harm to the animals that share our community space.  To others the
tranquility of Trillium Hollow is of primary importance, so it should be
kept in mind that barking has been a major issue in the past and created
serious problems for the community.  To others respect for living creatures
is paramount, therefore the harming or killing of any animal will not be
What follows are the guidelines we have agreed to for keeping pets in the
Trillium Hollow community.  While the community is reluctant to impose
absolute restrictions or limitations on the ownership of pets, there are
some situations that justify exceptions.  An exception will be made when the
needs and desires of different groups are in conflict.  When a compromise
does not serve the interests of either group or the community, an absolute
restriction will be imposed.  Two examples are the banning of certain dog
breeds and the prohibition against free roaming pets.
1.      All applicable laws regarding the ownership, vaccination, treatment,
abuse and/or neglect of pets and other animals must be followed.  Community
bylaws must be followed and in the event that the pet policy and the
community bylaws are in conflict the bylaws will supersede the pet policy. 
2.      No pets are allowed in the Common House (except service animals), in
the wetlands, the bio swale, and in the creek or along its banks. 

3.      The permitted areas for your dog's daily toiletry are the berm east
of the cob bench and off property.   All feces must be cleaned up
immediately both on and off property.   Feces and litter should be bagged
and placed in the garbage dumpster only.  Cat litter may not be disposed of
in toilets. 
4.      Pets are not allowed to be free roaming.  Pets must be accompanied
by their owner or designated caretakers at all times but are not required to
be on a leash.  However, the community may require that you keep your pet on
a leash at all times while in common areas for the following reasons: 
a.      Habitually entering off-limit areas 
b.      Aggressive or unruly behavior 
c.      Chasing or stalking other animals 
d.      Failure to be accompanied by owner or caretaker 
Cats who occasionally escape from their owner's units should be kindly
corralled and returned to their owners.  Cats who habitually and frequently
escape will be considered to be in violation of this guideline.
5.      No pet shall be allowed to become a nuisance or create any
unreasonable disturbance. Examples of nuisance behavior are: 
a.      Pets whose behavior causes personal injury or property damage. 
b.      Pets who exhibit aggressive or other dangerous or potentially
dangerous behavior. 
c.      Pets who make noise continuously for a period of ten minutes or
intermittently for 1 hour or more, creating a disturbance at any time of day
or night. 
d.      Pets who relieve themselves on walls or floors of common areas. 
e.      Pets who are conspicuously unclean or parasite infested. 
f.      Pets who kill or injure other animals. 
6.      Residents are responsible for the pets of guests who visit their
unit; these pets are subject to the same restrictions as resident pets. 
6.      The permitted areas for your dog's daily toiletry are the berm east
of the cob bench and off property.   All feces must be cleaned up
immediately both on and off property.   Feces and litter should be bagged
and placed in the garbage dumpster only.  Cat litter may not be disposed of
in toilets. 
7.      The types of pets you may keep at Trillium Hollow are not regulated
except for the following dog breeds.  These breeds are banned: Rottweilers,
Pitbulls (American Staffordshire Terrier, Pitbull Terrier, Staffordshire
Bull Terrier, English Bull Terrier, Bull Terrier), Fighting Dog Breeds (such
as Dogo Argentino, Tosa Inu, Filo Brasileiro/ Brazilian Mastiff and Perro de
Presa Canario) and Akita.  All other breeds must be covered under their
owner's or caregiver's homeowner's or renter's insurance policy or other
liability insurance. 
8.      Some animals that are legal to purchase are acquired through illegal
or unethical means.  This is particularly true of tropical birds and
saltwater fish and saltwater invertebrates.  When choosing a pet, Trillium
Hollow favors the purchase of captive bred animals.  Not only will this
assist in protecting the natural environment but you are also likely to get
a healthier pet.  Do your research and make informed choices. 
Policy Compliance/Enforcement
Most of the requirements of this policy reflect on the behavior of the pet
owner/caregiver in the training and management of their pet.  When the
owner's management of a pet's behavior results in problems as described in
this policy, the steps described in the paragraphs below indicate the
process to be taken to resolve the issue and if possible, bring the pet's
behavior back into compliance with this policy.
1.      Any resident observing an infraction of any of these rules is
encouraged to discuss the infraction in a neighborly fashion with the pet
caregiver/owner in an effort to secure voluntary compliance.  
2.      If the complaint is not resolved, the complaining resident and/or
the pet caregiver/owner should bring it to the Steering Committee.  If the
Steering Committee is in agreement with the complaint, the pet
caregiver/owner will receive written notice of the violation.  If, upon
three violations, the problem is still unresolved the issue will be referred
to the Board of Directors. 
3.      The Board of Directors is responsible for enforcing the pet policy
in accordance with the Trillium Hollow bylaws.  Enforcement may include the
permanent removal of the noncompliant pet.  If this is the resolution of the
issue, the pet caregiver/owner will have 30 days to remove the pet from
Trillium Hollow. 
4.      At the Board of Directors' or Steering Committee's discretion,
immediate arrangements for a meeting by the Board may be made if the nature
of the complaint involves injury or the imminent threat of injury to a
person or animal or the abuse or neglect of a pet.  In the case of the
imminent threat of injury to a person or animal, the Board of Directors may
require the permanent removal of any pet.  In that case, the pet
caregiver/owner will have 3 days to remove the pet from Trillium Hollow.
In the case of injury to a person or the abuse, neglect or injury of a pet
the board will take immediate steps to correct the problem. 
Note: While it would be nice to treat all animals with the same respect
there are a few exceptions.  Wild rats and wild mice are excluded from
protection; however we should attempt to eliminate anything that might
attract them and only turn to extermination as a last resort. 

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