Re: Affordability?
From: Catya Belfer-Shevett (
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 12:18:09 -0700 (PDT)
Are there any cohousing communities that are really affordable?  Not cohousing communities 
that have some sort of small "affordable" subsidized housing, but genuinely created 
by those of us that are middle income?  I have followed a number of cohousing-L member links 
back to their websites and have become increasingly worried about the costliness of these 
ventures.  I have found some units for sale that approach $700,000.  My group consists of 
several families - a half million dollar home is completely out of the question, as is 
$200,000 for an undeveloped lot.  And, honestly, I just don't get it.  Shouldn't scale help 
here?  Am I being naïve?

In addition to what others have said...

There's not a lot of new construction that's affordable. Mainstream folks with less in the way of income will often rent a place. Intentional Community folks with less in the way of income have a bunch of non-cohousing options (sharing a large house being perhaps the most common?)

Even where I live (outside of Boston), one can find an older or more run down house to rent or to buy for less money than what new construction costs. There's not any equivalently older or more rundown cohousing.

"How to make new construction affordable" is a hard question.

        - catya
Catya Belfer-Shevett    ____\  /     Cohousing in MA?
catya [at]     \  / \/            \/          Ready Fall 2008!

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