Re: Affordability w/small homes?
From: Marganne (
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 10:03:39 -0700 (PDT)
At 8:13 AM -0400 3/17/07, Rose M Brandt wrote:
For example, central to much of the discussion on this list has been the
idea of going green. As I understand it, part of the philosophy of going
green is leaving a smaller footprint on the planet. The cohousing model
that interests me is building a community upon existing housing stock and entering the existing community gently. I think this is another option for leaving a smaller footprint.

I've discovered the same thing after reading this list for a while. It seems going green is a stronger interest for many here rather than keeping it affordable -- in the sense of under $100,000. One of the things that attracts me to small homes is that they leave a very small footprint and are energy efficient.

The individuals who I'm in discussion with all come from the non-profit
sector, education, the arts, etc., so all housing would need to be
"affordable." One reason that this appeals to me is because everyone
would equal, paying the full share. Also, it's not just our only option,
it's our option of choice based on lifestyle decisions we have made.

Under consensus, each group has their own options based on lifestyle decisions. The one you refer to above works for people who have very little income or sporadic income. Up until several years ago, that was a model I could consider. However, economy now strongly dictates what I can do. I'm unable to generate much of any, which lends so much more flexibility to one's choices.

Once again, affordable is a subjective term. I come from the non-profit section, education and the arts and am looking for people who could all be equal, paying their full 'affordable' share. There are many paths to that option for people who still generate income that aren't open to those of us unexpectedly living on a fixed income at a relatively young age (late 40s, early to mid 50s).

It's possible I will change my goals in the future to include multi-family existing housing. Right now, I see a way to maintain my desire to live in detached dwellings through use of small homes. I've been amazed to see how others have used (and reused) available materials to create very comfortable, liveable dwellings. I've found the small house option gives me (and others) new choices that maintain a small footprint and are within my affordability level.

I appreciate feedback on this concept. I'm not a builder. I've never owned a home. I haven't lived in a consensus-based community. I've subscribed to the cohousing and small homes lists to learn and test ideas that may be outside the box -- even of people here who are considering living situations the majority of people in the U.S. won't.


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