Re: Affordability, small houses
From: Cindy T (
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 10:11:59 -0700 (PDT)
What I'm asking is:
--Are there existing or formulating cohousing projects that use the small home concept? --Are there people like me who would consider cohousing in a project with smaller homes that cost less to build?

I'm glad you brought this up as it interests me too. I've joined the other mailing list you mentioned.

As I'm getting older I see no reason to have excess space to care for, or the expense of it , or even the need for so much space to have "stuff".

Due to my circumstances, I'd like to find some sort of 'community' where I could live actively now and possibly for the remainder of my life. I feel certain there are many other people like me -- with very little or no family -- who like the idea of creating a family by choice.

Yes, that's why I started looking into co-housing.


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