Bayview Cohousing in Second Life
From: Zev Paiss (
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2007 07:48:32 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Cohousers,

With Regard to Bayview Cohousing in Second Life Maggy Dutton Asked the following:

Why is it a rental project? Cohousing traditionally has meant that a group comes together first and designs their life together usually resulting in ownership. Are you including future residents in your planning and development process? I am particularly interested in what model of governance will be used.

Zev Paiss (aka WilliamThewise Goodman) says:

Being a virtual world some things in Second Life are of necessity different that the non-digital world. This eco-village is being created to showcase RL working examples of how a community of this kind could look and work... to a degree.

Since there are some Danish cohousing communities that are all rental I felt I was still falling with the bounds of reality by making Bayview Cohousing all rental. In addition, the complications of making part of Etopia Island available for sale is not very workable under the master plan for the eco-village. I would however be happy to make a very long term lease (up to one year) if someone wanted to commit to that long of a stay.

The model of governance will emerge form the group of future residence. My expectation id that the group will be far more diverse that a typical cohousing community with virtual residence fro around the globe so the challenges of decision-making may be quite different than and typical cohousing community. In addition the number of decisions require to keep the place up are almost nonexistent and will possible be focused on the uses for the common house. I wold like to give priority to the cohousers for use of the space.


Zev Paiss
Abraham Paiss & Associates
Building Sustainable Communities Since 1992
1460 Quince Ave. #102
Boulder, CO 80304
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