Re: More pictures needed - surface water systems
From: oliver smith callis (
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 08:14:13 -0700 (PDT)

Village Homes in Davis has a very successful example of this. Here is an
excerpt from their site:

Natural Drainage - The common areas also contain Village Homes' innovative
natural drainage system, a network of creek beds, swales, and pond areas
that allow rainwater to be absorbed into the ground rather than carried away
through storm drains. Besides helping to store moisture in the soil, this
system provides a visually interesting backdrop for landscape design.

I'm not sure how to get good images of this other than that it was featured
extensively in Bill Mollison's "The Global Gardener" - in the Urban Episode
(Episode 4).

It would also be worthwhile to contact Brad Lancaster who has presented
extensively in this area.

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