The new black is green
From: Marganne (
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2007 13:36:12 -0700 (PDT)
Since we've been focused on 'walking lightly' recently, I thought some of you might enjoy reading an article in today's New York Times. Below is a snippet and a link:

GEORGE BLACK, an editor and a columnist at OnEarth, a quarterly journal of the Natural Resources Defense Council, recently summed up the explosion of high-style green consumer items and articles of the sort that proclaim "green is the new black," that is, a fashion trend, as "eco-narcissism."

Paul Hawken, an author and longtime environmental activist, said the current boom in earth-friendly products offers a false promise. "Green consumerism is an oxymoronic phrase," he said. He blamed the news media and marketers for turning environmentalism into fashion and distracting from serious issues.
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